2 May, 2024


Aggressive Minority Politics A Threat To National, Regional & Global Peace – Part II

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

Though not all the Muslims are perpetrators of violence it is the violence of the few that stain the image of the many. Besides, the experience of Iliyas is only a temporary phase. It takes time to heal. The Sinhalese and the Muslim have come a long way from the riots of 1915 which was an early attempt of the Muslims to impose their will on the majority. When the Muslims tried to deny the Sinhala-Buddhists their historic right to sound their traditional drums as they passed a latter day mosque the reaction was instantaneous. It was a case of the new comers, fostered and protected by the Sinhala majority, trying to rewrite history according to their aggressive and arrogant political agenda. The Sinhalese who saved the Muslims from the persecution of the Portuguese and the Dutch were now faced with the Muslims denying the very rights and freedoms given to them by the Sinhalese.

The 1915 riots was the first inter-ethnic violence that provided ample lessons for the preservation of peaceful co-existence among inter-religious communities. It proved that minorities attempting to rewrite history with the sole intention of imposing their will as the new political order of the day is fraught with inevitable conflicts.

Empirical evidence point clearly to the disastrous consequences of militant minorities rushing to change through violence the established norms necessary for peaceful co-existence. Armed with their latest political agendas minorities rush to confront the majorities with guns. They fancy that they can unleash the necessary power from their light-weight kalashnikovs to impose their will on the majority. But modern Sri Lankan history has debunked this Maosian dictum. The available evidence reveals that minorities had miscalculated and over rated their power to impose their will over the majority.

The minorities who resort to violence do so at their own risk. The instinctive reaction of all majority communities will be to make the minorities pay the price for resorting to violence and threaten their way of life. The main ideological defence of minorities is based on their claim that they have been victims of the majority. Assuming that this is valid, does this give them the right to produce victims far greater than the violence of the majority? Do victims in minority communities have special rights to outdo the victims of the majority? Victimology has its limits. It is not the exclusive privilege of the minority. Besides, minorities lose their validity of being victims when they begin to victimise others on a scale greater than that of the majority.. For instance, the violence of the Tamil and Muslim terrorists has been quite to the wall? In the classic moral tale dramatised in the Baghavad Gita the answer to deal with evil facing mankind is to “DO YOUR DUTY”. Can retreating from the battlefield on moral grounds put an end to evil? Was the moral answer to Hitler to let him win?

Besides, in a democratic society which is amenable to change, however tardy it may be, there is no legitimacy for any group to take up arms. Violence for change has degree of legitimacy in a dictatorship that is not open to change. But not in a democracy which has a credible record of flexibility. Above all, the increasing power of weapons of mass destruction and the possibility of those weapons falling into the hands of maniacs makes political violence absolutely prohibitive.

The Muslim leadership, very much like the Tamil leadership, was hoping to ride on the backs of their violent youth to consolidate their political base and dictate terms to the majority. This was clearly demonstrated by Asath Sally, the former governor of the Western Province. He came on TV and quite arrogantly, threatened the majority with the 30% electoral power of the minorities. In other words, the Muslim leadership is openly threatening the majority with consequences if the latter does not give into the minority demands. He is expressing his threat on a psephological plane. It doesn’t take long for the youth to translate it into brutal violence. Both are two sides of the same coin.

The Tamil leadership, for instance, argued that parliamentary politics failed to grant them their right to self-determination which meant many things to many Tamils, including separatism, So they urged the Tamil youth to take up arms in the Vadukoddai Resolution of 1976. Ideologies that threaten peace co-existence provide the necessary oxygen to activate impatient and militant youth. Minority leaders in the mainstream cannot claim to be moderates when their ideologies drive their followers to extremes. Their roles of playing Dr. Jekyll overtly in the mainstream and simultaneously the role of provocateurs of violence (the Hydes) to promote their political agendas boomeranged on the Tamil leadership. The consequences were two-fold: 1. In the first place, this covertly turned them into hypocritical fathers digging in advance the graves of their sons and daughters. 2. The youth who were asked to take up arms did not hesitate to turn the guns first on the fathers who launched Vadukoddai violence. Besides, the provocative agendas of minority leaders, moving aggressively to break through established boundaries into the territory of the majority, cannot expect their counterparts to sit back and lay down welcome carpets. Aggressive agendas of minority leaders have invariably become invitations for the majority leaders to respond with the similar agendas of extremism.

A common tactic of minority leaders to beef up their identity politics is to manufacture new histories to justify their antiquity and, therefore, legitimacy to territories that belonged to the pioneering settlers who made this island a land fit for all dwellers. The extremism of the majority has been a reaction to the extremism of the minority.

It is the provocative minoritarianism targeting the majority aggressively that produces Bodu Bala Senas to rise and react with equal vehemence. Prabhakaran came out of the political satyagras launched by “Gandhians” like SJV Chelvanayakam. If the NGOs and other rights activists think that the majority must lie low and cow down to the arrogance of aggressive minorities then they must think again. It is against human nature and the ground realities of any established polity. In other words, they are doctoring their theses to legitimise minority extremism while denying the same right to the majority. The acceptable norm is to give equal rights for tribalism on both sides or deny tribalism to both sides.

The assumptions of the Muslim leaders of their power to dictate terms and conditions to the nation as a whole confirm that the Muslims have not yet learned the lessons of the recent events. A good example is the story of Iliyas. While the Muslim leaders are boasting about their power the Iliyas’s in the Muslim community have to face the consequences of their aggressive politics. The consensual opinion agrees that the need of the hour is reconciliation. How far can Azath Salley’s arrogance and threats go to reconcile the divided communities? How far can it go to ease the confrontational tensions facing the Muslim community? Isn’t he fuelling the fires of communal bigotry? Isn’t he putting the lives of Ilyas’s at risk?

To dismiss the Sinhala reaction to this Muslim arrogance as some sort of evil majoritarianism is to bury the heads in the sand. The minority cannot hold a gun to the head of the majority and expect them to surrender. The minorities that take up the gun must be prepared to accept the consequences of the other side taking up their guns. They must play by the rules and cannot hide behind human rights as if they were established for their protection.

Majoritarianism and minoritarianism both have limits. The Tamil minority fought a 33-year-old war (from the declaration of war in the Vadukoddai Resolution May 1976 to May 2009 in Nandikadal) on a hastily manufactured and distorted narrative of their own. When things went wrong they took refuge under human rights as if those rules were made only for them. They refused to take responsibility for the violence launched officially by the Tamil leadership which declared war in the Vadukoddai Resolution. They threw all their best resources – both international and national – into their wars and, in the end they sank in the waters of Nandikadal. Not all the rights in the UN charter could save them.

This questions the validity of Muslim arrogance challenging the majority. What chances have the Muslims to go from Kathankuddy to their elusive Islamic caliphate in Sri Lanka? This also leads another serious issue: If they follow the line of Vadukoddai violence what kind of human rights can justify their Jihadist massacres?

The Arabification of the East may give rise to some vague hopes of an Islamic caliphate. But the stories of Ilyas and Sally point directly to the inevitable consequences of misled minorities rising up against the majority. It is the Iliyases on the ground who will have to face reactions to follies of their leaders. Iliyas had done nothing to deserve the reaction of the Sinhala-Buddhists. The leaders who misled their people into futile violence should take full responsibility. They offer false hopes to their people which end in disastrous consequences to their own people surrounded by the Sinhala majority.

Hisbullah is another example. He boasted that in the event of a threat to the Muslims the Arab nations will rush to their aid. The record, however, tells a different story. The Palestinians have been waiting for a saviour from the Arab world ever since Israel became a state in 1948. In Kashmir even the constitutional safeguards granted to the Muslims have been removed and Kashmir is now a part of India. In Myanmar and Thailand Muslims are running for cover. How many Arab nations would come to save Hisbullah and his political mates like Zaharans?

He has also forgotten that the Tamils had the Western world behind them. In fact, David Milliband, the British Foreign Minister, and his French counterpart, Bernard Kouchner, rushed in to save Prabhakaran. The Tamils had the Western media, the NGOs and the bulk of the Tamil diaspora were behind them. But Tamil violence failed. The over-determining forces of the state prevailed. Besides, in the current political climate Muslim violence has the least of chance of gaining international acceptance. It is clear that the Tamil and Muslim political violence has not brought them their desired goals. It has only brought misery to their people and the rest of the nation.

The story of Iliyas and Asath Sally is a global phenomenon. Their stories go to the heart of the global crisis caused by majority-minority conflicts. Right across the globe the majority is reacting at various levels to the minorities aggressively attempting to redefine the new parameters of traditional borders and established ways of life. Militant minorities rushing with guns and bombs into places where angels fear to tread devalue  their right to claim protection of  human rights  when  they decide to push the majority to bow down to their will through violence.

Besides, the minorities are now banking on external forces to train, arm and finance their terror. At the drop of a fez they rush to foreign embassies to mobilise international pressure against the majority. The Sri Lankan experience confirms that the international community is complicit in the violence unleashed by the minorities. Nevertheless, the international moralists invariably rush to justify the violence of the minorities knowing that their guns do not throw roses at the feet of the majority. International forces are behind them providing the necessary wherewithal to kill the majority. This makes them complicit partners in the war crimes committed by the minorities. They have no moral right to go to Geneva and pass resolutions against the majority when their policies and programmes had trained, financed, directed and encouraged violence against the majority.

Current thinking is focused seriously on seeking solutions to prevent violent explosions that come out of the majority-minority tensions. The Right-Left ideological battles of the Cold War have been replaced by the dominant issue of majority-minority conflicts.  From Donald Trump to Narendra Modi, from Norwegian or Australian White supremacists to  Prabhakaran and Zahran the critical issue comes down to peaceful coexistence of minorities within a majority community.

There is an  urgent need for human rights activists to redefine and restructure  majority-minority relations to stabilize future peaceful co-existence on national, regional and global scales. The mass populist movement sweeping the landscape from east to west is a natural response to aggressive minorities threatening the majorities. Ven. Athureliya Rathana Thero and  Bodu Bala Sena are the local manifestations of  this global phenomena. Blaming the Sinhala Buddhists is not going to solve the problem. Ethirajan and  the hired moralists have taken the easy way out by regurgitating  the usual stereotypes. The international moralists must stop pinching the minority babies and rocking the cradle of human rights. The new morality must restrain minority violence aiming to impose their will at any cost. Justifying violence of a minority in a democracy, whatever the  cause, loses its moral power to condemn  the  violence of the other side.

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  • 14

    Oh the Pothukesu karaya still around with his second edition. No way HLD, no one will listen to you.

    • 7

      What people write betray the lives they are having ……….. So, nothing much has gone right for you in your life, eh, Mr H. L. D. Mahindapala?

      One can feel ye desperation ………. but you, yourself are responsible for your miserable life; it’s futile to try to blame others …….. it reeks of “bad-faith!”

      Better luck, next time. :))

      • 2

        “The Sinhalese who saved the Muslims from the persecution of the Portuguese and the Dutch “
        HLDM should look up his history books. It was a Muslim fleet that helped Mayadunne against the Portuguese.

        • 5

          After all ……. Mr H. L. D. Mahindapala is a Lankan; objectivity is never a concern …… he is good at creating his own world …….. some small consolation for a life of misery.

          Don’t deny the poor man his fleeting moments of happiness! :))

  • 21

    Moda HLD, naturally when your former aanduwa is not fair then naturally others have to run to other embassies for support. You guys murder and oppress minority and do all the evil things purely on numerical advantage under rigged history then what else you expect from them? Why god has not given you the ability to think and analyse? Besides what right you have to talk about Lanka when you are a refugee and a deserter who is surviving on Aussie tax payers charity. You have no moral right brother. Please keep away. This is why no one takes you seriously. I dont want to elaborate but hope the message is clear to you.

    • 9

      Mr. HLD Mahindapala,

      What is funny in your post is, it says “Aggressive Minority Politics A Threat To National, Regional & Global Peace” and there is pic of Rev. Gnanasara being aggressive & violent. You’re insulting him, and calling him “minority” among the majority, perhaps?

      • 0

        Shafeek, nice one but We have some goodies to deliver to this Blind, Racist Bat or more appropriately an ungrateful Rajapakse and Jathika Hela Urumaya type contractor being employed for the propaganda of the losers. To begin with his first point…….(1). Though not all the Muslims are perpetrators of violence it is the violence of the few that stain the image of the many….. Ok, So, the bugger has taken a back foot after I wrote my comments in his 1st Part of this Sinhala Racistic Loose Motion of a an article, by reminding the SHAMEFUL BASTARD that it was the same ARAB MUSLIM WAHHABISTS who provided job and opportunities and the Billions of Dollars worth of outright grants that provided the necessary funds for their beggar’s economy for more than four decades, something which no other Loving Buddhist country or the Hindutva Modi type has never provided help, which is now screwed up and presented the Muslims as ENEMIES of the so called Sinhala Jathi Mamaka generation. Bugger cannot deny that the support in Billions of Dollars worth that saved this Ungrateful Nation of the Sinhala Racists cannot be matched by any of the Sinhala Racist Sluts who wants the Muslims Dead even if they all band into a big force 99% together. So, according to his view, a small percentage of a Muslim perpetrators can bring in collective punishment to all of them as reprisals by the beneficiaries of Muslim Generosity. By which argument he says, simply, that the Muslim donors and job providers will also be punished for the act of any Muslim who resort to violence even its not the responsibility of the entire Muslims ( including the 1.8 billion World Muslims). So, by the same formula, it asks why Muslims world over do not apply it to the majority of the Sinhalas on whose name, the FEW Sinhalas unleash violence to the entirety of the innocent Muslims??? It is justified, right?

      • 1

        Yo, HLD, the sinhala children did not go hungry due to the Muslim/Arab/Wahhabi money pouring into the economy and the Racist Monks and Racist Mahanayakes in temples enjoying Pukka life with all amenities coming absolutely free, when the ordinary Sinhala peasant is dying in the sun to earn one meal for his kids at home. When the World Muslim donors and employers adopt the same Champika Ranawaka & Gnanasara type racism, you will see how the country turns into a Venezuela, Somalia or a Vietnam/Cambodia in the 70’s type nation. The push by the Champika, Rajapakses, Wickremasinghes, Sirisena towards a Super Anti Muslim nation will soon achieve that target. Because, like your Sinhala Racists who are Boycotting the Muslims, will Boycott everything SINHALA. Its slowly happening in the Middle East and soon the racists will lose their most needed blood supply…the Money. Its the ECONOMY you STUPID behind all the Racist activity, secretly pushed by the RULING ELITE MAFIA to enrich themselves and their GOVIGAMA progeny leaving the rest in poverty. Just look at the state of the nation…. This is that same ideology you are in…

      • 0

        Quickly jumping to your hillarious point : “…..The mass populist movement sweeping the landscape from east to west is a natural response to aggressive minorities threatening the majorities. Ven. Athureliya Rathana Thero and Bodu Bala Sena are the local manifestations of this global phenomena.” WHAT A CRAP!!!! There are no MASS POPULIST without the ENGINEERING of the RULING ELITE MAFIA and the state machination aiding and abetting in the CREATION of a MASS POPULIST movement. The Rajapakses were holding the power within their realm when the drove this MASS POPULIST movement of the Bodu bala sena and other Anti Muslim covert operations targeting anything and everything Muslim. Thus Gota launched it with the “GREASE YAKA” operation for which they deployed a secret Army unit to harass and fearmonger the Muslims, especially the Muslims ladies by sexual molestation. The undercover Army operatives were in disguise outfit and greased all over their bodies to prevent capture or being apprehended by anyone in retaliation. In one incident, one Grease Yaka operative was being chased by some people and he was running into an Army camp and vanished.

      • 0

        Taking HLD’s one other point : “…. The Sinhalese and the Muslim have come a long way from the riots of 1915 which was an early attempt of the Muslims to impose their will on the majority. ….” In this what HLD is trying to imply (as always all the Sinhala racists do) is to twist the rights of a citizen as espoused in the constitution which has to be, at least, fairly respected, if not, strictly adhered to, as a “will” which is being imposed on the other. For the last 100 years of Ceylon/Sri Lankan history, its a known fact that there is a Huge Sinhala Buddhist Mafia functioning under guise of protecting the race & religion IMPOSE their will on the entirety of the citizenry. Since the Sinhala Racists are muck headed and thuggish murdering lot, they cannot understand things like the ‘Rule of Law’, ‘Social Responsibility’, ‘Equality’, ‘Respecting the Rights of other’s’ and the least ‘Decency & niceties’ that comes along with it. So, when someone or somebody starts to react decently to remind them about the respect that must be given to sensitivities of others are TAKEN AS an imposing of ‘the will of others’ on the Sinhala nation. its a Psychopathic ways of thought process they are possessing by default. An ordinary decent request was TRANSFORMED as a threat and the same, typical terror outfits in the likes of the present day BBS/JHU type Mercenaries launched the Pre-planned and well organised pogrom/riots against the Muslims. It was not a spontaneous reaction to a small incident turning into violence. It was conducted by a well trained goon squads deployed by Anagarika philosophy driven propaganda team, like the RSS of Modi’s party who did the Violence with complete success something which all the Sinhala racists are still celebrating including HLD.

        • 0

          All pogroms that happened in Ceylon and then in Sri Lanka from 1915 are all ORGANISED CRIMES, up to now, the state actors and the state resources are being abused by the Ruling ELITE MAFIA following the orders of the DEEP STATE which is running the show from behind the scenes. People like HLD and other SINHALA RACIST sluts who are linked to this evil system have plenty of jobs assigned to them to promote their CAUSE and are seen using their abilities and the full capacity of their power in propaganda of the Sinhala Racism. Thus, HLD’s hunt for information found in various Anti Muslim media to be used in their campaign. All what you see in this article is nothing but the same formula that the Zionists have been using for years, the same is being used by the Pro Zionist Brahmins of RSS and the BJP in the Indian sub continent. These sluts are infamous for TWISTING the TRUTH and give a coloured version to the true happenings mixed with Pseudo Science and historical myths mixing it to make it look real. The world is now a different place and these tricks are easily identified.

    • 1

      I agree with you 100%. This essay could be OK ed if written by a minority member; for, the majority ethnic group of any country has no tight to tell the minorities on how to express their feeling on the rightful place of the land they live.

      SL, in theory at least, is a democratic nation governed under a constitution which consider protecting basic HR as one of the most fundamental goal. However, as commonly seen everywhere in the world, in practice, two natural factors – one numerical dominance while the other as human nature of propensity to exert power over others- may impede the precise realization of this noble goal. Therefore, in the final analysis, the question of minority rights boils down to two basic HR issues that has potentials for conflicts: HR guaranteeing political & economic freedom and the the right to protect ethic identity.

      The mistake HLD is making is reducing the whole set particulars that has the potential to create conflicts into very tight general category of majority vs minority. But, we know for certain that the reasons for the rise of LITTE & the rise of Muslim Jihadism are not the same. As a matter of fact, Muslims had much to lose by violence against S/B while LITTE had almost everything to gain!

      I’m an atheist and I don’t have much interest in preserving my cultural traits beyond museum walls but for a majority of people, the ethnic identity is a life & death issue. The challenge for any society with higher level morals & ethics, I think, is to educate people to be satisfied with the most basic HR that any human can enjoy while giving up restrictive aspect of HR of ethnicity – or simply put, be like me! This is the only way we all can share this little planet without fear of persecution for what we are which is beyond our individual choice! Majority rule will never work!

    • 1

      Why didn’t your leaders think of the “numerical advantage” when they pitted a stupid 12% against a 75% majority that has beaten the Chola invaders for 25 centuries?

    • 0

      Moda Natami, want war again to cry genocide, sleep in refuge camps in Colombo, hide in ditches in schools with teachers when SLAF bombs, cross the lagoon like crabs to avoid navy snipers, beg soldiers at centries to let you cross over? Again? Some will be very happy. They must be dry now with no commissions.

  • 10

    Relax HLD in your safe adopted home.

    The minorities of Sri Lanka have no wish to be part of any en masse protests. They just want a peaceful life. What they have no control over is the small minuscule number who will no change the game. These are the ones who have resolved to die ‘bravely’ rather than live miserably. They will surface every few years and in groups or individually take our economic targets in their martyrdom. Allahu-Akbar, for them the only true promise is that 72 virgins await them in that Paradise.

  • 13

    Dear HLD Mahindapala,

    Your are adamant not to stay away but write the following statement, “Justifying violence of a minority in a democracy, WHATEVER THE CAUSE ( emphasis added) , loses its moral power to condemn the violence of the other side.

    The above clearly shows your fascist attitude. You are not capable of preaching co existence, harmony between the majority and the minorities and all inclusive motherland. Right mined people can see Asin Virathus and Gnanasarras in you. Shame on you.

  • 10

    Moda MLD, conveniently forgets the violence unleashed and uncontained by majority in the same very same democracy, veiled threat eah?

  • 9

    What is this man writing. He is off his top and just like Blind Eagle uttering the same bloody thing without any truth or substance again and again. He has lost his sense of direction, ability to think, analyse and understand. He is totally off. It is tragic and some form of psychological condition owing to his ongoing rabid, racism without any sense of morality, decency or ethics or logic. He is going from bad to worse. His image itself speaks volumes of his mental state and evilness. I really wonder why they publish such garbage and filth of a man that has totally lost his sense of direction. Still he is not aware of all forms of violence meted out to Tamils in particular since British left. Betrayal and violence of all forms. He still thinks that minority has to trust his bullshit and hang on to him when he himself is a refugee. If this man has any decency then first he must come back to SL before opening his foul mouth and mislead the gullible. Moda HLD even your handler ran to Geneva and pleaded to protect the JVP murderers when he was in the opposition. You are living on white mans money and charity so first give up that and come back home. You won’t I know. Because you are just an opportunist and a trouble maker and you want chaos in Lanka and that sadistic pleasure keeps life going. What a deviant.

    • 7

      Lot of these Patriots live on the White man’s charity while their women live on the white man’s semen

    • 2

      Paramanatha, it is not HLD’s hard earned money but hardly earned money. He gets his dole in Aussie while Mahinda was pumping him money to run a warped, racist web site to promote MR and spew rabid racism. He also employs a few Paraya Dhemalu ( not Para dhemalu) to fondle his posterior. He does not write for any good but a mercenary who is paid to do such low grade things. He is sick and vulnerable. Also suffering from something like “jala beethika Rogaya”. In Thamil it is Jalam, Peethi, Roham. If you send this guy to poor Sinhala villages the poor will become poorer. Stupid will become absolute modayas. His Aussie luxury is from his stupid Thamil wife’s parents. His noble objective is to do harm at any cost and not doing good. His religion is “let us all sink together”. First this warped man has to come here last CD stock and barrel before writing anything about Lanka or its people. He simply has no right at all. I know he will never understand these principle because of his mental make up. He is awake but not aware. Not guilty owing to his mental state. He knows what he is doing but not aware that what he do are all wrong. Otherwise, anyone who is aware will not comeback to write some rubbish again and again.

  • 1

    The last part of article is just like you are looking for information which MCC needed. I heard, they are going to restructure and reshape the human right business and so their presentation will be different.
    I heard, there are hidden swords with muslims and In one place Muslims are hiding SIX SWORDS and the govt also knows it But, they do not arrest or any of those things. It is related to some powerful politicians who own a ware house which stores Health related equipment and every thing.

  • 2

    H.L.D.Mahindapala’s writing under this caption is totally uncalled. It is not going to benefit anybody. Need of the hour is unity and cultural harmony. He is hiding his face in the luxurious Australian home doesn’t seem to know how to spend his hard earned money. H.L.D. should visit the poor rural villages in Anuradhapura, Moneragala and Ampara where Buddhist people living in poverty. He could jolly well spend his money to uplift their standard of living. Come on H.L.D pull your socks up and start working.

  • 2


    Though not all the Muslims are perpetrators of violence it is the violence of the few that stain the image of the many.

    *** You are dead right with the above. But you lot are all violent and Bad. You have been killing since independance with no end in sight. With Gotha at the helm all minrities will fall to the Sword.

  • 0

    Dear Friend

    I hope you are a genuine Buddhist.

    But you are justifying majority violence in response to the minority
    aggressive politics. Has your teacher the Buddha approved any form of violence.

    Will you explain.

  • 1

    D id you know that Prabhakaran was trained by the Sinhala Buddhsists who then sent him to subjugate the Tamils and slowly expose them to the Sinhala army so that the Tamils get wiped out.?

    Did you know that the Sinhala Buddhists trained the Tamil leaders to get the Tamils behind them and take them to certain defeat by waging war against a majority seven times bigger than them?

    Did you know that the Sinhala Buddhists got their Colombo 7 demala Man Wigneswaran to go to Jaffna and make sure that the NCP provincial council will completely fail, to the extent that even the money voted to it was returned to the center unspent?

    Did you know that when sewers and toilets came to Colombo a large number of Tamils who cleaned the toilets and carried the “night soil” of the Sinhalese on their shoullders became unemployed and formed a political party?

    This political partty says that the Snhala Buddhists are discriminating against them in using modern toilets instead of the bucket toilets that gave jobs to the majority of Tamils.

    Did you know that Moda Demalas are still talking of self determination – that is, the Tamils themselves will shit in the buckets so that the lower castes can carry them as is deemed to be right and proper in their religion?

  • 0

    Nut case is back after a stay in the mental asylum. dont read this rubbish.

  • 0

    H.L.D. is hopelessly stuck in a majority-minority divide. None of us are responsible for being born in either group – majority or minority. None of us could decide on the “racial or religious identity” of our parents. In each individual there is a human being forced to live with the ideological baggage of race, religion, caste etc. We have to transcend these illusory “identities” if we are to emerge victorious as human beings. We can’t afford to perish at the cost of preserving these transient and unreal divisions. None of these chimerical concepts, however entrenched and glorified they have been, can take precedence over the collective happiness of humans. The onward march of civilization has significantly eclipsed the scourge of “caste.” Race and religion are divisive forces that are more tenacious. The emergence of capitalism, among other things, helped dissolve caste but has apparently left the notions of race and religion unscathed. We need more sweeping changes to get rid of these stubborn ‘mind-forged manacles’ of race and religion. We are unwitting recipients of these socio-political blinkers and are obsessed with destroying imaginary “others.” This is an inherited tragedy and there is no salvation in thinking in terms of majorities and minorities. Racial or religious groups are not static entities; they are slowly but constantly being subject to attitudinal shifts. Today, an average person, unless he is hopelessly uninformed, will not believe in “caste” with the same naïve obstinacy of a person who lived in a caste-conscious society. Our duty as civilized men and women is to find ways to circumvent the ideological traps that keep stultifying our minds. It is not as adventurous or edifying as dreaming of “fighting till the last drop of blood for a cause” however mistaken it may be.


  • 1

    Mahindapala’s essay is a masterful presentation of the fascist ideology.One must indeed commend him for having successfully applied the argument presented by Hitler about the Jews in his Mien Kamp to the SrI Lankan situation.. Hitler did take far too many pages to make his case but Mahindapala has been able to do the trick in just a few pages. This essay, in all its glorious brevity, can become the manifesto with which to fight the Muslims and the Tamils! Heil to thee Son of Mahinda

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